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1. Eligibility Criteria

Non-local students who are having financial difficulties (Meeting criteria of Fee Remission Scheme) and they meet one of the following criteria:
- Outstanding Academic performance
- Outstanding Performance in non-academic areas
- Significant Improvement in either academic area or non-academic area

2. Application Procedures

- Students can contact Class Teachers about their financial difficulties and interests for the scholarship

- Class Teachers can nominate students to the school scholarship team by providing evidence on students’ outstanding achievement/improvement

- Nominees have to submit application form with following supporting documents:

      - Income proof

      - Parents letter explaining the financial difficulties

3. Method of Assessment

a. Academic Performance
    Scholarships are allocated based on students’ class rank and form rank in the final examinations. The rules      are summarized below:



Form Rank: First 20%

50% - 100% of school fees, depending on the financial situation of the nominees

Showing 15% improvement in Academic Result compared to previous year

b. Non-Academic Performance

     Scholarships are allocated based on students’ conduct rank in the whole year, the rules are summarized below:



Form Rank: First 20%

50% - 100% of school fees, depending on the financial situation of the nominees

Showing 15% improvement in conduct marks compared to previous year

4. Notification of results

The school scholarship team will issue offering letters of scholarship to the scholarship holder's parents/ guardians who will fill in and return the letter of acceptance to school.

5. Review of policies

The policies and rules will be reviewed from time to time by the school fee remission / scholarship team and changes will be made after the approval from school authority.

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