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Admission 入學申請

Application Procedure 入學申請程序

I. Fill in the online application form.


II. Accompanied by parent/guardian, go to the school with the original and photocopy of the following documents:

由家長陪同 ,帶同下列文件之正本及副,來到學校

A. applicant’s HKID Card or passport


B. parent’s/guardian’s HKID Card or passport

父母或監護人之 身分證或護照

C. recent report cards


D. certificates showing applicant’s achievement


E. address proof (e.g. electricity bill)


III.Pay $10 application fee.


IV.Applicants will be asked to attend interview/entrance test.

參與面試 /入學試;

V. Successful application will be notified by phone/mail/email.

成功申請者將獲電話 /郵件 /電郵通知。

Admission Criteria 入學標準

The following will be considered during the admission procedures:


1. Academic ability 學業能力

2. Language ability 語文能力

3. Conduct 操行

4. Participation in extra-curricular activities and other learning activities 參與課餘活動及其他學習經歷情況

5. Parental support 家庭支援

6. Interview performance 面試表現

For more information, please contact the school in office hours at 2389 6299.

詳情請於辦公時間內致電本校電話 2389 6299 查詢。

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